Tuesday, November 09, 2010


sometimes, when you wanna do something as you wish, ain't easy.
sometimes, we do need to bend our body to fate.
capability , this word becomes an important term in my life suddenly.
capability to do it, it really tests on your strength, not only that, it does include the people around you, to assist you for that.
Money ? Does money have something to do with your capability ?
for this current world, YES.
everyone knows money can't buy everything,
but money does can assist you to succeed, even in LIFE.
there are other factors too, I, too lazy to list out all.

Passed by few cities, I stopped at this.
this is a student city, I called it as.
Every night,
as late as it better is,
girls and guys wearing fancy clothes,
holding cigarettes in their fingers,
playing around,
the smokes released from their noses,
inhaled by the trespassers,
followed the movement of wind,
vanished in the air.
yea, I hate that seriously.
They may smoke at the streets,
infront of collage,
in pub,
snooker shops,
with a bottle of Heineken/Tiger Beer etc,
that's what they called Night life.

relate back to capability,
some rich kids just getting spoil,
spoil brats,
with the branded car they drive,
branded clothes they put on,
coming to this city ain't for study,
yea, study technically,
enjoying life instead.
I feel pity for their parents somehow,
although it is non of my business,
but thinking of others trying so hard to study,
to get scholarship,
they called them NERDS,
isn't showing the world is a bit unfair?
we have to bend our body to FATE.

it's not trying to be a pessimist,
but it reflects the current world now.
the rich getting richer,
the poor getting poorer,
I read this extract from an article.

Capability needs some lucks to assist it, too.
I agree.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

this is the first holiday I din go to meet my friends at all, just families. well, I am busy everyday too, with study, and hang out with cousins.

get a lot of presents this time, when I open my wardrobe, I saw new clothes !!! from different relatives. they came back from all over the places, got me a shirt, jacket, etc. thank you so much. packing my luggage now, really need to think what should I bring back to my place.

there are so many things to do~
can't wait to finish the exam, spend my time reading the books I like !! :)

that's all.

Monday, October 11, 2010

AS first day

first day of AS, why am I so relaxing now ? Just finished the "heavy" paper. finally can gasp for air a while...

it's quite easy, hope I din miss out everything, and hope my hardwork does really pay off :)

my college peeps just sent me many messages for the wishes !! thanks guys !! LOVE YOU

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Shopping Spree

phew, finally finish my MOCK exam !!! I don't think I will get good results this time, it is so tough !! :( argghhhhhh !!!!!! especially my stats and maths papers !!!! kill me !!!
yesterday after finished exam, we went to TIME SQUARE to wander around, some girls did buy some clothes but Audrey and I just walked around looking for FOOD ~~!!! :)
after spending more than 4 hours there, some people already went back home, left Li ying, Shiow chi, Audrey, Hanley and I walking to the next destination-sungei wang ! it was not as crowded as time square, but my feet were so pain after walking whole day....
the worst part was taking KTM back to Subang, it's so tiring...we were like sardines in between the bread(people).. hard to grasp for fresh air. We went to Subang parade and Carrefour, to have our dinner and bought some books there !!! We went to 5 shopping malls in a day !! BREAK MY RECORD !! yeeepeee !!!!
today, shiow chi and i went to sunway pyramid, we just walked around to burn fats, in the end, ended up in popular, I sat on the floor reading books, which the kids would normally do !!! hahaa... lunch time, we went to Papa's John and the pizza I ordered was costly and small like ....as if it just a piece of bread !!! :(

now, just let me relax for a day, and fight again for AS ! :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

*PhoTo EdiT*

*Janice* Myself :)
*WooI LuN*
*Jo Yee*
*ShioW ChI*
*Ton Ton*

The photos which are edited by me, just for fun !! :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

test with the way how you sleep...

Dead BorEd

I don't know what happened to me this week, kinda have mood swing this whole week ! even I have tears rolling when I woke up, because of a dream, that was too funny, deep down, is there something hidden in my heart? that I couldn't find a place to release it. something unsolved, think too much...
1st, is about my study, suddenly feel like no mood to listen what lecturers teach this week, I am not paying attention this whole week.. feel sleepy, but at night I couldn't sleep well..
something pop out from my mind is : Hormone Change. since this year, whenever I have tension, I will go through all types of symptoms ...but I don't know how to handle it.
2nd, guys. this doesn't bother me much, but I was asked again the same question. at first, I set my mind that I wanna focus on study... but after sometimes, when I look at my friends enjoying their love life, whenever they are in trouble, the guy will be the first to help them. Sometimes girls like me do really need this kind of feeling, feel safe ! I also hope I will have one, however reality kills me...I heard the couple quarrel, the girl cried, all these things, I experienced before. it's like ArGh ! too troublesome, yes, it's so true.. I hate facing this part, quarrel will definitely affect the study.
The guy wishes to hold me back, that's what he told me..I just can say sorry. although it did make me recall back all those sweet days, sorry, not now..
even back together, I will break one day.
my mind changed.
not that immature anymore.
I know how I want my future goes before getting into a REAL relationship.
So, all those flower, soap opera thinking for LOVE needs not appear in my dream again.
It's very contradicting. I am 18, still hope for getting into a romantic love like other college students have..waiting for the right guy.
the other hand, I know it doesn't last long, I will leave this place to pursue my study elsewhere, strive for future...
I go alone, not with friends that are by my side now or parents.
The path I choose, I face it myself...
Long love distance, I saw the example. within half year, broke up. It doesn't work well for our age now.

Although I told friends about these, there are still something lock inside my heart.. is it all this while.. I make the problems "condensed" in my heart too long... until it gonna explode? I don't know...

I kinda like lost myself somehow....
trying to get back into one piece.
just wish to continue be a happy girl...

Thursday, August 19, 2010





5. 学会尊重。有的女性看到酒店的服务员,陪酒的小姐,出卖肉体的女孩会嘲笑并厌恶别人,觉得自己比她们高人一等。但是,请你想想,无论她们出卖任何东西,她们都是凭自己的努力去赚钱。可能她们出卖青春,出卖身体,但有一点你要相信,她们的钱是通过自己挣来的。她们没有偷,没有抢。










15. 忍让并尊敬你丈夫的母亲。如果你结婚了,与婆婆的关系处理的不好,请你尽量的忍让。并且不要对爱人数落他母亲的不对。你要知道,是你的婆婆把你的爱人带到这个世界上,是这个女人耗尽了青春与心力抚养教育了你的爱人。你一纸婚书就让这个男人跟随了你,请你想想那个生他养他的女人的感受。















30. 自尊,自爱,自强。老调重谈,也是最最重要的。做到这三点,说实话,很难。因为女人可能因为感情而将这三点抛下,或者将其中的一些抛下。但这三点,对于一个女人来说,是社会与他人对自己肯定的决定性筹码。没有这三点,女人将是随波的浮萍,男人的玩物,别人嘲笑的对象。所以,请所有女孩,女子,女人牢记,一定要自尊,自爱,自强。



Best friends


Wednesday, August 18, 2010



1. 紫菜-除了含有丰富的维他命a、b1及b2,最重要的就是它蕴含丰富纤维素及矿物质,可以帮助排走身体内之废物及积聚的水分,从而收瘦腿之效。

2. 芝麻 -芝麻它的「亚麻仁油酸」可以去除附在血管内的胆固醇,令新陈代谢更好,减肥收腿就轻松得多。

3. 香蕉-香蕉虽然卡路里很高,但脂肪却很低,而且含有丰富钾,又饱肚又低脂,可减少脂肪在下身积聚,是减肥时候的理想食品

4. 苹果-含独有的苹果酸,可以加速代谢,减少下身的脂肪,而且它含的钙量比其他水果丰富,可减少令人下身水肿的盐分。

5. 红豆 -所含的石碱酸成分可以增加大肠的蠕动,促进排尿及减少便秘,从而清除下身脂肪。

6. 木瓜 -它有独特的蛋白分解酵素,可以清除因吃肉类而积聚在下身的脂肪,而且木瓜肉所含的果胶更是优良的洗肠剂,可减少废物在下身积 聚。

7. 西瓜 -它是生果中的利尿专家,多吃可减少留在身体中的多余水分,而且本身的糖分也 ,多吃也不会致肥。

8. 蛋内的维他命b2有助去除脂肪,除此之外,它蕴含的菸碱酸及维他命b1可以去除下半身的肥肉。

9. 西柚 -柚大家早早便知西柚卡路里极低,多吃也不会肥,但原来它亦含丰富钾质,有助减少下半身的脂肪和水分积聚。

10. 蒟蒻 -完全不含脂肪又美味,说到底也是减肥必食之物,原来它的丰富植物纤维更可以使下身的淋巴畅通,防止腿部肿得松泡泡。

11. 菠菜-因为它可以促进血液循环,这样就可以令距离心脏最远的一双腿都吸收到足够养分,平衡新陈代谢,排毒瘦腿就话咁易。

12. 西芹 -一方面含有大量的钙质,可以补「脚骨力」,另一方面亦含有钾,可减少下半身的水分积聚。

13. 花生 -含有极丰富的维他命b2和菸碱酸,一方面带来优质蛋白质,长肉不长脂,其次亦可以消下身脂肪肥肉。

14. 奇异果 -除了维他命c是它的强项外,原来其纤维亦十分丰富,可以增加分解脂肪的速度,避免腿部积聚过多的脂肪。

15. 番茄 -吃新鲜的番茄可以利尿及去除腿部疲惫,减少水肿的问题,如果是生吃的话,效果就更好

Today, as usual, we have so much fun in college ! especially when Li ying taught us how to dance belly dance... Louis was the only guy in class, and he turned his head not looking us.. haha.. of course we didn't want him to see that too ! He asked why everytime we have girls' talk, he is the only guy there, make him so embarrassing ...well, it's ok, we treat you as girl as well :)
*Li ying*
Besides busy preparing for MOCK, we also will have our own leisure time ! to chit-chat.. always play around... come to think of this, my 18-year-old life is kinda colourful.. ! instead of hanging out with those only focus on studies, I mix with all friends who are hilarious, make jokes around, serious when study, funny when relax !!!

*Shiow Chi**Audrey*

Audrey and Shiow Chi always spend time with me, we are like "sampat" gang.. haha.. go anywhere will laugh as much as we can, "gossips" girls !! :)

hmmm, nothing much about today, I just felt I am so tired ! able to sleep at LEVEL 8 Office, omg !!! just lied on the table and fall asleep, so did Louis.
perhaps I slept at 2 am yesterday, but I already drank one glass of Chicken Essence... !! It's not working !!

my lecturer said I should give a try of the Uni that I wanna apply...
It gives me confidence !!

Friday, August 13, 2010


it seems like for ages I din express my feelings here.
suddenly have the mood, so here I am...
been in college for several months, seriously, I have experienced tonnes of things that I never had out of my life before ! high school girl like others. but living by myself, completely different, not controlled by anyone-parents, but I have to decide what I should do or should not. it's really challenging, as people say we study outside might become a spoilt child or something even worse. so far, I think I am still all right, but just getting more independence. learn how to take care myself, last time I always get sick after studying here, after sometimes, I used to it..although I am sick now.lol...
my friends, mostly are couple up ! at 1st I will still miss the moment being into relationship, being care, etc, but after sometimes, I think I don't need a boyfriend now, I have friends and freedom, with a boyfriend, it's just like i need to care about his feelings, and not really can enjoy my single life ! boyfriend ?! why so rush ?!! it isn't something I want !!! I finally get this into my mind !!! however, sometimes still will have crush on others, but it's not a big deal what... ~
studying college I know many friends and I was so scare I couldn't enjoy my life here compared to high school time...but it turns out well ! everyday I laugh like crazy fellow...although will go through some tough time too !!!
I look around, people start to work hard for MOCK or some don't really show this infront of us, but they are preparing for it too... it makes me feel scared too.. I keep telling myself I need to complete this and that but in the end, can't complete it at all... my determination not that strong, you know ? I feel sad for this !!!!
i cannot hold a book and sit for whole day which I would really try to do for so many years !!! I just relax and read a while and relax again, just like now !!!
is there any better way to improve myself??
I wonder.

13th - Friday

13th - Friday, supposed it's a bad day for everyone... but for me , it's a lucky day ! suddenly my friend bet with me by wearing the look-like-clown costume, and I accepted it ! in the end, he suddenly asked me to choose the dress i like...
and I chose it... !! hahaha..
now think about it, it seems I have dream about this before, I mean I dreamed I received a present suddenly... now i really feel that I can foresee something sometimes, it just weird, doesn't make sense.. I dreamed I heard the conversation of somebody and it really happened after few months, exactly the same !! what do we call it ?!!!?!
I really don't know. I told my mom about this, she thought I was crazy and said it was a bad sign if it were REAL ...
well, still have few more weeks to MOCK, really scare and tried to put efforts into my studies because everyone wishes to get into the best uni, I hope so, with scholarship !
everyone, LET's FIGHT ~!!!

Sunday, August 08, 2010

splendid weekend

it was a splendid weekend ! everytime I go back to Ipoh, there will be some union thingy for me ! 1st, I went to Sam tet to meet Jo yee and Wooi Lun. we have lunch together chit-chat, captured many many pictures in the mall, infront of the people ... some people were looking at us, like 2 big girls and one big boy self-capture in the center of the mall.. but who cares? hahaha.
after that, Wooi Lun fetch me home. three of us bet that we need to lose weight ..at least 2kg, if not we need to hang a cardboard or anything written: I am a fat pig ...and walk around the shopping mall.. lol.. It really makes me have the effort to do so.
After that, I have dinner with my grandparents and cousins ... to eat the famous crab with noodles. Now I really realise that Ipoh has so many delicious food ! Yummy yummy...

The next day, I went out with my aunties and cousins, eat again.. it just like all families reunions... love it so much.. nothing much to write.. just feeling blessed ... I am born in this family ~~!!!

i really miss my highschool friends ! when can we meet again? :)
last year, we met everyday, now ...not even more than 10 times per year..

Monday, August 02, 2010

I've been struggling all these days.. until migraine, headscalps....
first, really enjoyed spending time in KL. I took ktm by myself all the way up to kl central and waiting for my cousin to pick me up.
the first thing he said to me was, " hey, you are fat!" ..ookay.. I know I have put on lots of weights... since I came to kl... SO WHAT >?!>! so TERRIBLE !!! trying to reduce times of taking meal.. I tried and tried... really seriously..hopefully I can reduce at least 2 kg ... Please... ! T.T

I played with the kids who are abandoned by their parents, I looked at them, so cute, so naive... how can their parents don't want them? at that moment, I feel I am so grateful that I am born in a warm, "completed" family. I would like to post some pictures here, but too sorry, I'm at outside now, the pendrive isn't with me, if not can really share the pictures with you all...

appreciate what you have, that's what I learn last weekend ! :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

another tiring day !!! after moving all the things and cleaning the room, feel so tired and relieve... !
a month away to MOCK exam, honestly, I don't know where should I start reading. I keep telling myself I need to study, in the end, the progress of my study is super slow...
the area I live is so hectic and at night can see so many people loitering. It gives me another night scene of KL.
louis, hanley, shiow chi dyed their hair today and skipped the MPW class, but in the end, not much changes also. haha, they still need to dye it at least twice.
today, it's the longest hours I spent in library, and I feeling great !!! :)
that's all for today !! :)
tata ~

Saturday, July 24, 2010

lookin' forward

Looking forward to stay with Shiow Chi, I bet she will be feeling terrible to stay with me ! haha !
first, I plan to sing K in our own room sometimes... hahaha...
since we still have 7 weeks away to have TRIAL, I plan to go library everyday until late night, perhaps audrey and she won't be following me...
although the room is small but as long as with the friend you like, the ambiance will be totally different...
so really looking forward to the new life ! :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


INCEPTION ? at first, I thought by looking at the poster of it, must be damn BORING .. but after my friends said people recommended us to watch that, I gave it a try.
instead, it's awesome and hardly can understand. dream with 3 layers?

I guess it gave Hanley some inspiration of becoming an architect ? :)
If we really live in dream, would you like it ? we can create whatever we want inside the dream, that also reflects in reality, this world, many people wish to escape from it and achieve what they strive for !
this is my 1st movie with Hanley, Ryan, Li Ying, Louis and Siau Lin. now I recall back, normally I watch movie with Audrey and Shiow Chi only ?! hahaha...
we have our lunch at papa john, my 1st time there, quite tasty. :)
really need to put in effort to study ! wanna get rid of my laziness !!
stop here, bye :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

BOYS, Feelings?!

recently, deeply think that I have this kind of weird feelings or thoughts.
When I think of I wanna have a boyfriend, or when I like a guy, 1st comes into my mind is I can couple up with this guy, but I also think that when will we break up ?!
means like in my mind, there's no future, no further future, or is it I don't believe "forever" ?
I have thought about this lots of times, perhaps I am still too young to have a boyfriend, that's why ?!!!
but if this continues, it doesn't bring any benefits for me...
means I am not seeking for love in life, but love in short terms. that sounds bad for me....

Letter fir future boyfriend














Thursday, July 15, 2010

just another random blog !! I am feeling hungry again after eating mamak with audrey and her sis and chee wai.. all crap here and there, that's what I need after class, be fun ! but sometimes I will suddenly get down when I cannot concentrate in class. I find guilty if I din pay attention to teachers, as my parents paying so much money and I have my own targets ... I don't want just sit there and doing nothing.. but I also wanna join my friends to chit chat with them...just like it's very contradicting and feel so wrong, however, I decide when study I will be serious in study, when play I will be very playful.. hope you guys won't get angry when I suddenly walk away to sit infront cause I wanna focus in class. study 100% is impossible for me, but I learn how to make time arrangement....again, don't ignore me if I become very serious....

friends, all are about to break up !? break up season that's what we called... seeing..friends crying, headache, relief after going through all sorts of break up thingy... seriously... I find I DON'T NEED A BOYFRIEND...just like.. I am so much enjoying single life.. I can do whatever I want, be with who, go to where, all under my control.. not being locked up in a cage, to do what is told to do....
my love view has changed since I study in college. means I won't stop closing with guys because I have a BOyfriend ! such as... won't talk to guys much ? that's sounds so ridiculous for me now. social life is essential !! I hate guys being over sensitive, until get jealous...and come to arguments again? wasting time and energy...

nothing much here, my parents place a TV in my room ~ haha..so happy.. can't wAIT TO go back to my home... :)

Friday, July 02, 2010

Invade a boy's school

Invade a boy's school today !

haha, I borrow clothes from my friends and followed them into the school, only the form 6 has female students... I was so luckily that I didn't get caught by discipline teacher who was just a few steps infront of me.. PHEW ~
then, today the form 6 have their sports competition such as badminton, basketball and netball...
My friend brought me into the library, the hall and canteen... so far only those recognized me started calling my name...and they were so surprised of my appearance there... hahaha...
it's a nice day though ! :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Connect again !

it's been a long time, 3 of us din chat...
tonight we on Skype again. haha.
so it's true that if they are your best friends, no matter where we are, we still remain the same...
we are talking all sorts of things, so once in a while we need to update each other the latest news as it's the way to maintain the friendship too.
good luck guys !
see you in DECEMBER ~

Sunday, June 27, 2010

it's been another week :)

it's been another week of my holiday !!
charge the battery and prepare for the next semester to begin... Wow.. ! how nervous I am because tomorrow evening I will know whether I can to maintain my scholarship...

today, suddenly I am interested in the flowers...
My skill isn't good but.. it still shows, the flower is beautiful, right ? :)

the roses that I found in the garden...
*I know I gain weight (alot) but still take a picture here ...hahaaaa...

really need to spend my holiday wisely ... watch tv and read my storybooks that I din touch for ages !!!

How do my collegemates spend their holidays ? most of them say that it's too long and boring ?! hahaha...

see you guys in JULY !!!

picture paints a thousand words

sometimes, picture tells everything, I wish to capture more pictures to show what I really wanna express my feelings here.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


aiya ! why my friends don't tell me what have happened to them ? is it I am not the kind of friend that is worth telling ? it's happened lots of times but I really wish to know why ? unless I go to find them first and ask them what happen to them only they spill out all the things and let me know ?
hello ! I'm still here, can share problems with me eventhough I am busy ...
once we're friends, we are friends forever unless something negatively happened. I will always be there to care and love you ! :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Amazing days

You don't know how amazing my days have been ! hahaha... it's so cool !
my relatives came back from Canada...
We went shopping to buy clothes, went back to my popo's house to have dinner ~
and have little chit-chat ! haha..

after they left, I went to meet my friends, I went to "kacau" their schools... hahahaha...
It's Richard's farewell... well , I enjoyed it so much, we chat and sang K in Parade..
well, all the friends beside studying form6, they fly to other places to study which means we won't meet much after high-school time...
so, I really appreciate the time we being together !

suddenly, I feel I'm blessed, because I have warm and sweet families and lovely friends !
love you guys !!! :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Exam is over !

my final exam finally finished, hooray ! but the results, eerrrrr... just temporary forget about it ! hahahaha...

now is packing all the things, thinking how should I spend my holiday !

Yesterday night, my friends and I were watching football competition, WORLD CUP, we totally forgot the exam, hahaha... Argentina v Korea Republic, Louis lost to me !!!! yeahhhhhhhhhh !!! hahahahahahahahaha.....*they so "gan jeoung" about the match
*this one, wanted to tell the whole world about the match (mobile)
*these two so sad about the match, especially LOUIS !!!


Before that,
*all busy studying
*headache !

*BURST !!!

yesterday, Shiow chi and I cooked spaghetti for my friends. and we really have an enjoyable night, laughter in the house...
cooking the spaghetti half way, we accidentally broke the chopsticks into two !!! hahahahaha

That's all !! :)