Friday, May 23, 2008

A right move ? haih...

Did I make a right move? Did I make the condition to be worse? I really want to rescue her from the plight. let her know what's the life she should have. I'm lost.
Telling parents... Is it wrong? but who can help you besides them ?

Monday, May 19, 2008

19th May

When the clock strikes to twelve, here is my sweet 16 birthday. but it seems I still don't have much excitement.
I went out with shireen, bernice, ying xin and my sis. WE watched NARNIA-PRINCE caspian.. well, I like King Peter. haha. cool him.....yoyoyo.

They bought me a clothes, after we have been going around for hours. hahahahaha. we were tired.

We took photos also.

happy birthday to me. =)

I get many messages from friends. thanks. xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo.

today is dad's birthday too. happy birthday. we bought him a cake. and we sang birthday song.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


what the. I am angry angry angry angry angry angry angry angry angry angry angry. I hate people show their temper to me.. If you are, you better watch out. hate it hate it hate it..........
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although today I received my 1st birthday present. thanks jo yee and tommy.