Saturday, April 18, 2009


I have a weird dream yesterday, when I woke up, my eyes were wet.
I dreamed I was in a car with my family, my dad was driving us to a hill. I was holding something which I needed to return it to the forest. We reached at the hill and I saw many giraffes. I saw one was really tall and I asked my dad,"Dad, is it the tallest one in this world ? Can't believe I can see it !" Suddenly, it lifted its head and looked at me. I smiled.
I heard somebody honked his car. The giraffes were frightened and they ran away. My dad quickly moved the car and we had a narrow escape. But when I reached to a safety place I heard some villagers said..somebody died just now.She was my friend. In the dream, I thought I cause her to death. I became hysterical and always cried. I saw her soul in my class and everyone didn't know she was dead. I told my friends she was dead and it was her soul.. She was talking with others. People didn't touch her so they didn't know she was transparent.
My parents brought me to S'pore, I ran away from everyone. I rode a bus and Ah mei jie jie followed me. She said I can stay here anytime I want.
And I woke up.
Weird dream.

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